Timetables Älmhult-Helsingborg-Älmhult

Bus stops:
Älmhult Store: public bus stop Älmhult Handelsområde
IKEA KH: public bus stop Kontorshuset
IKEA of Sweden: public bus stop Tulpanvägen for both northbound and southbound buses
IKEA DC Syd: public bus stop Centrallager Syd
IKEA Components: public bus stop Ringvägen
Killeberg: former Strandhs bageri
Osby: Coop Extra, parking space
Markaryd: South side of Gerdmans, commuter parking lot
Östra Ljungby: public bus stop (northbound or southbound depending on direction)
Väla: public bus stop Väla Södra on Djurhagshusvägen,same side as Väla Centrum, entrance no 6, for both nortbound and southbound buses
Berga: public bus stop Helsingborg Berga trafikplats (northbound or southbound depending on direction)
Stattena centre: public bus stop Stattena on Hälsovägen. (northbound or southbound depending on direction)
Olympia: public bus stop, Idrottens Hus
Sockerbruket: IKEA IT office